You Can Take Charge of Your Health

Hering's Law of Cure

How to tell if you are really healing or if symptoms are just being suppressed.  Constantine Hering was born on January 1, 1800, in Oschatz,  Germany and later emigrated to America.

He is considered to be one of the founders of homeopathy in America, if not the "Father of American Homeopathy." Hering authored the classic: "The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica." 

 Hering observed that symptoms re-surface as part of the curative process, and that the healing process occurs in a specific order, which is now known as "Hering's Law of Cure."

The following "Law of Cure" is applicable to all forms of healing (western or other) except certain instantaneous energetic forms of spontaneous cure.

 Dr. Constantine Hering, a homeopath, observed:

 1. Symptoms heal from the deepest (most limiting) level to the most superficial. This means often from the mental into the emotional and finally into the physical, although it can also be simultaneous on two or more levels.

 2. Symptoms resolve in the reverse order that they came: the most recent going away first.

 3. Symptoms should improve from above downwards.

 4. Symptoms heal from the most important organ to the least important organ (i.e. generally from the heart to the skin which is the most superficial organ).

 5. Symptoms improve from the center of the body to the periphery (hands and feet).

 And I also add: Any and all discharges after a natural remedy or treatment, including skin eruptions, show the body is throwing off toxins. That is a good sign. Even with allergies which are really another way the body is saying: "This is bad for me, I need to get it out whatever way that I can!"