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Front Cover

About This Book

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What is the Secret Place of the Most High?  Where is it?
Is the Bible the Word of God?
The Bible says that God is love.  Paul says that there is no jealousy in love.  There are many places in the Old Testament that say God is a Jealous God.  How can that be?
When does life begin?
What happens when we die?
What happens before we are born?
Get the answers to these questions and more in this powerful little book!


7 & 8, 2024

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From October 2009 to April 2017 Jane Furcinite wrote short inspiration articles for the Unity Chapel of Light newsletter know as “The Beacon.” She draws inspiration not only from the Bible but also from a multitude of sources including; Joel Goldsmith, Paramhansa Yoganandq, Eckhart Tolle, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Joseph Benner, Alan Cohen, Louise L. Hay, A Course in Miracles and much more.

7 & 8, 2024

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Are you ready for the next step in your spiritual journey? Regardless of your faith or religion, you’re invited to attend The Joint Conference of World Religions. Here you will learn exactly how to do the one thing that all major world religions agree upon we must do. This is The Great Directive: Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. Learn how in this simple booklet.



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Is there really a single creator that created it everything in the world?

Is that creator our supreme authority?

Are there really rules that we have to follow, or else?

How do I conceptualize God?

Why isn't God easier to believe in?



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Scientists like Stephen Hawking and Neil deGrasse Tyson promote the theory of parallel universes, but deny our ability to travel between them. That’s true in the material world, but mentally we can go wherever our imagination wants to take us. This book explores what could happen if we made different choices. Every choice you make puts you on a certain path. What if you made a different choice? Is there another you in another parallel world that made that different choice and is following the path that choice opened up?

7 & 8, 2024

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